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热门关键词:纸箱机械    水墨印刷机    印刷机    纸箱设备    开槽模切机    分纸机    开槽机    钉箱机    广东纸箱机械
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◆开槽刀轴间隙采用电动调整,调整范围 0-12mm。

Slotter Unit
◆Creaser axis and Slotter axis adopt solid steel,hard chrome plating,surface grinding.
◆The cardboard is not easy to be broken after creased by the first creaser wheel.
◆The upper creaser wheel is wrapped with rubber,avoid to damage the cardboard.
◆Computure and digit control systerm are dopted for the space of creasers.
◆Motor control is adopted for the space of slotter axis.
◆The power transmission system adopts cam bearing transmission,in order to reduce the abrasion and make the transmission more steady.
◆Drive shaft linkage is adopted for upper blades traverse and nether blades traverse.
◆Computure and digit control systerm are dopted for the traverse adjustment of creaser wheel and slotter blade.
◆Collision protect device is adopted for slotter blade height,avoid to damage the machine.
◆Elastic corner cutting blade structure,can cut 3 layers ans 5 layers cardboard without adjustment,easy operation.
台盛首页 纸箱机械 口罩机 新闻中心 合作伙伴 服务支持 视频中心 关于台盛 人才招聘 联系台盛
版权所有:广州台盛纸箱机械有限公司 粤ICP备13089944号 [网站建设:红黑网络]
客服热线:020-89680952 传真:020-89680951