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热门关键词:纸箱机械    水墨印刷机    印刷机    纸箱设备    开槽模切机    分纸机    开槽机    钉箱机    广东纸箱机械
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  • 此机是我公司参考欧日等国外的机型结合我国国情经多年研制而成。
  • 本机可独立工作,也可配合印刷开槽机作联动线工作。
  • 整机由智能化电脑一键控制,输入订单后只需按下运行按钮,各组合部自动调整规格尺寸,无需人工单独调整。
  • 有强大的记忆功能,可储存 9999 个生产订单。
  • 换单快,操作简便,既能适应大批量制作。又能适应小批量多品种生产。

Performance Characteristics of The Whole Machine

  1. This machine is developed by our company for many years referring to foreign models such as Europe and Japan combined with our national conditions.
  2. This machine can work independently or cooperate with the flexo printing slotting die cutting machine for linkage line.
  3. The whole machine is controlled by the intelligent computer with one button. After entering the order, you should only press the operation button, and
  4. each combination part will automatically adjust the specifications and dimensions, without manual and separate adjustment.
  5. And has a strong memory function, can store 9999 production orders.
  6. Fast change orders, easy to operate, can adapt to large batch production.Can also adapt to small batch multi-variety production.

台盛首页 纸箱机械 口罩机 新闻中心 合作伙伴 服务支持 视频中心 关于台盛 人才招聘 联系台盛
版权所有:广州台盛纸箱机械有限公司 粤ICP备13089944号 [网站建设:红黑网络]
客服热线:020-89680952 传真:020-89680951